Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Fans contributed to disappointing loss

This is a letter to the "fans" at Breslin Center, especially the Izzone. Sunday's game was a disappointing loss, but we can forgive the basketball team. However, we cannot forgive all those who attended the game. It is just wrong that there were points during the game when all we could hear was the two of us cheering. What happened?

If you buy tickets to the game, here are the unwritten rules: wear MSU apparel, stand and, most importantly, cheer. Usually the crowd is supportive of the team. But we've noticed that at the past two games, Spartan fans either did not care, did not pay attention or were hung over.

Come on people, even if you are hung over, take some caffeine and support our team. We really believe the Spartans could have beaten Syracuse had the "fans" not sucked. There are two games left - please remember it is unacceptable behavior to not cheer.

Melissa Granger
psychology senior

Jackie Connolly
communication senior


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