Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Democrats blindly follow Granholm

In regards to your editorial "Left Behind" (SN 2/20), I am wondering why The State News is surprised by the actions of the Democratic members of the House Appropriations Committee in their support for Gov. Jennifer Granholm's budget cuts.

Granholm is the Democratic party's golden child, its shining star. Anything she does, including her first act to cut K-12 education funding and her second to cut higher education funding, will be supported by her fellow party members.

The Democratic Caucus, and those with educational interests, have been caught with egg on their face. Their governor is realizing what those in the GOP have known all too well for the past 12 years - in tough economic times, tough decisions need to be made.

Former Gov. John Engler and the Republican Legislature made it their No. 1 goal to protect educational funding. Granholm seems to have other plans to balance the budget, and that's her prerogative.

We need to see the political reality and not be so surprised when the Democratic vice-chair or any other Democratic member of the Appropriations Committee votes with their governor. Let's just hope that practice doesn't last the whole four years.

Rob Macomber
legislative assistant for Rep. Gene DeRossett, R-Manchester


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