Friday, June 21, 2024

Crew club raises $3,500; half goes to American Cancer Society

February 19, 2003

By rowing a combined million meters, the MSU Crew Club raised more than $3,500 with pledge money at Ergathon 2003 on Saturday at IM Sports-Circle.

The pledges were collected by each rower, who received backing from family, friends and East Lansing residents. Half of the money raised will be donated to the American Cancer Society, while a portion of the rest will be used for expenses for the team's spring break in Tampa Bay, Fla. The money will also go toward buying a new set of oars, which cost about $3,000.

Each rower of the 60-member team rode about 20,000 meters on rowing assimilators to help pay for a portion of the Tampa Bay trip, where the team will train and compete in the first week in March. The team will practice for four-to-six hours daily and compete with other schools on the weekend. Last year, the club traveled to Clemson, S.C. For all club sports, fund-raisers are important because the clubs are not funded by university. Other than fund-raisers, the money comes out of the club members' pockets.

Co-captain Mark Goleski said the event gives the club a chance to do something for others rather than looking out for themselves.

"It's important because it's a real community-based event," he said.

Goleski said the club gives students the opportunity to compete against the best collegiate teams in the nation.

"We're the only organization on campus that will take any student, regardless of their athletic activity and give them the chance to compete," he said.

Junior first-semester novice Annora Sheehan said any money the club raises helps to pay for trips, registration for events to compete and equipment.

"Each member collects pledges and half of their money goes towards the American Cancer Society and the other half is for the trip," Sheehan said.

Although the team did not hold the ergathon last year, it has held the event twice before and are planning on another next year.

The MSU Crew Club competes in the fall and spring with spring competition starting at the end of March. Goleski is optimistic about the upcoming spring season.

"We have a lot of first-year novice rowers," he said. "Our novice program could beat a lot of schools out there."

Earlier this month, the team was successful at the Indiana Indoor Rowing Championship, earning third place in overall team points with the women's squad dominating over the novice races.

Next up for the team is the Lubbers Cup in Grand Rapids, on March 22.


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