Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Columnist doesn't understand threat

I'd like to invite everyone who agrees with Matt Treadwell's article ("For world peace, Bush needs to be removed, not Saddam," SN 2/12) to take a step back and listen to what they are saying. What will ignoring Saddam Hussein accomplish? World peace? Then would you like to buy some Everglades property?

Open your eyes. President Bush is handling this situation perfectly by using diplomacy with the threat of war. Do you expect a world leader who has publicly cited his brutal hatred for the United States to do as Bush says because Bush asked him nicely? I bet Saddam's a big one for the honor system.

And this is not a war for oil or a war for Daddy, rather the continuation of the war on terror. Threatening a terrorist with punishment will not phase him or her one bit. In fact, they love dying for their cause. This is why we must treat terrorists like children, and lock the cabinets and plug the electrical outlets.

So please, think about your loved ones and tell me that destroying (if the dismal cooperation with the United Nations continues) this supermarket of terror is the wrong way to handle this situation.

"But Jim," you say, "the reason (Osama) bin Laden hates the United States is due to our involvement in Desert Storm."

Well, I guess since bin Laden loves us now, we should stay out of Iraq. We wouldn't want to jeopardize that relationship.

Jim Sierpien
chemical engineering junior


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