Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Column lumps all Americans together

This is in response to Matt Treadwell's column ("For world peace, Bush needs to be removed, not Saddam," SN 2/12).

I must say I wholeheartedly agree with him. After all, President Bush is a madman. He gasses his own people in the streets and starves and murders those with ideas that might pose a threat to him. In addition, he has been proven by not only government officials but independent scholars of his region to be tremendously unstable. Furthermore, he has voiced support of the horrible attacks on Sept. 11.

Yep, Bush needs to go.

Now that I am done with my sarcasm, may I perhaps point out to Treadwell, who remarks, "Bush needs to listen to the chants of the American people," that not all of us oppose removing Saddam.

Art Bukowski
journalism junior


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