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Case Hall discussion article one-sided

The article by Chad Previch on MSU President M. Peter McPherson's discussion with Case Hall students is horribly one-sided ("Case residents, McPherson gather to discuss hall safety, SN 2/11).

As a resident who attended this discussion, I noticed opinions that reflected Jonathan Martone's were in the extreme minority and most students were happy with the previous level of security before the 9 p.m. lockdowns. Previch also omitted items brought up that would completely change the slant of his article. For instance, cheap, non-intrusive security measures such as increased lighting, chain locks on the doors and better safety education at orientation were all ideas endorsed strongly by those attending.

We must not let this isolated event change our way of life because Martone had an isolated incident. If any changes are made to security procedures, it should be done by a student vote or student-elected officials and not by those whose parents are in positions of power.

Michael Griffith
international relations sophomore


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