Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Bio benefits

Inviting environmentally friendly businesses to Michigan ensures a sounder state future

While the days of flying saucer-shaped cars might still be far off, the state Legislature is making a small step toward securing Michigan's future with a tax break given to biofuel creators.

We're talking about a greener, brighter future in which the fuel put into our vehicles is fashioned with renewable sources such as soy. Facilities that produce bio-based diesel fuel could get a tax break on building property tax if legislation approved Feb. 20 in the state House becomes law.

Diesel fuels composed of soy extracts and regular diesel create an energy source that is better for the environment and actually work to clean engines.

Biodiesel might end up costing more, but obviously the benefits would easily outweigh the costs.

Diesel is the best place to start to begin lowering emissions. Think about children riding school buses home that aren't exposed to carcinogens and imagine all the semi trucks that bustle through major cities not burning a gray smog into the skyline.

A change to biodiesel can help us on an international level as well.

So says state Rep. Gene DeRossett, R-Manchester, it "makes us less dependent on foreign fuel." Less reliance on foreign fuel could mean avoiding conflicts over it that have transpired in the past. Then, all those countries that hate us for being fat, rich world-contaminators can start to hate us only for being fat and rich.

Also, tax breaks on building means new buildings. New buildings house offices and therefore create new jobs for the area.

Michigan's lawmakers should recognize the importance of this bill and wholeheartedly support it. If the bill passes, Michigan should go the extra mile and ensure this incentive doesn't go unnoticed. We need to encourage as many environmentally friendly businesses to come to the state.

If this bill does become law, we'll be that much closer to a flying saucer ride home from work each day.


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