Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Anti-conservatives don't discuss issues

A recent letter in The State News ("All opinions are present on campus," SN 2/3) completely missed the mark on conservative complaints.

I do not believe conservatives' gripes are about not controlling the political discourse. It is about the fact that anti-conservatives rarely discuss the actual issues. Many conservative views are simply labeled racist, sexist or intolerant without any justification or legitimate discussion.

As a true Libertarian, I have experienced this type of personal attack many times myself.

The letter also shows this lack of integrity by directly inferring conservatism is just "racism, sexism, bigotry and class warfare by another name."

This type of conduct would never be tolerated in any other area but is the standard response in the political arena.

All the letters and columns in question are asking for is a bit of intellectual honesty. Is that so unreasonable?

Joseph Blaim
computer science junior


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