Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Affirmative action policy is necessary

If you are a white student who feels that you were, or could have been, snubbed by the affirmative action policies of colleges and universities, and therefore are praying for its demise this April, I agree with you on one stance. There "should" be no need for affirmative action.

But, because of the American society's habit of stealing from and mistreating minorities, affirmative action is by all means necessary. If for some reason you don't know what I mean by mistreating or stealing from, just look at the land you're standing on or think about the 400-plus years of free labor that created everything that you see around you. Affirmative action wouldn't be a Constitutional issue if it wasn't for our precious forefathers who we praise so often.

People need to realize that affirmative action isn't about giving minorities "points" because of the color of their skin. It's not even about correcting the ills of the white supremacy that has restrained my people since we unwillingly arrived to this stolen land some 400 years ago.

Affirmative action was created to reverse the wrongdoings that have occurred throughout American history.

So please, if you have a problem with affirmative action, get over yourself or step up to the plate. The learning conditions of urban America and suburban America are unfairly disproportioned.

It's kind of interesting to me that there were no cases being filed against affirmative action when the system was being used to turn poor white females into business women. I wonder why when something or someone calls for the advancement of minorities his or her life is taken (remember Malcolm X, Martin Luther King Jr. and JFK?).

John Beason
general business administration and pre-law freshman


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