Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Affirmative action covers white women

I am so sick of uneducated people saying things about affirmative action, especially white females, because they are covered under this policy as well ("U-M policy doesn't award for hardship," SN 2/20).

I would like to give you the basics on what affirmative action is. It is not a quota. I repeat, it is not a quota - they are illegal. This policy covers blacks, Latinos, white females and other minorities. This policy is based on the fact that present inequalities are rooted in the past. Meaning if it weren't for slavery or other such practices against minorities and women there would be no need for these and other types of policies.

First, I wanted to say that yes, they award points to race but they also give points to what school you go to, if your parents are alumni, your ACT scores and the like. You get more points if you got a better grade on your ACT, or if your parents are alumni.

People who believe this policy only helps minorities because of their skin color are wrong. It helps them because once upon a time, not too long ago, we were told we couldn't work here, we couldn't go there and we couldn't eat here.

She is right in saying we have to overcome our own difficulties, but when those difficulties stem from the society, I say the society owes us something in return.

Rodel Wade Jr.
zoology junior


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