Sunday, September 22, 2024

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'Girls Gone Wild' exploits women

Five dollars is not a "low price" for women to pay so that men can make money off of them ("Born to be Wild," SN 2/13). Each "Girls Gone Wild" tape costs $10-$20, but the women featured in it don't see any of that money.

The protest outside of The Dollar Nightclub on Wednesday was not directed at the women going into the bar, but rather the men going in there to ogle and harass women.

The SN editorial basically said since women knew the nature of the event going into the bar, they asked for whatever happened to them inside. Well, men never have a right to "(badger women) into lifting their shirt." If it's all completely consensual, as you suggest, then why is there any "badgering" going on?

Men often say they are "just having fun" when they rape women, too. Isn't it interesting how what they call "fun" often tends toward violence, harassment and exploitation of others?

Jennifer Dunn
interdisciplinary humanities senior


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