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U-M installs cameras at every dorm's door

January 13, 2003

The University of Michigan's residence halls are now under stricter supervision.

The Big Ten university installed cameras at every door to each campus residence hall last week after an increase in on-campus thefts during the last semester.

U-M Residence Halls Association Vice President Amy Keller said the cameras were a product of an increased crime rate in dormitories across the country.

"We want to make sure that if there is a theft, we have a way to identify the criminal," Keller said.

Students response to the electronic eyes was mixed.

Keller said she thinks most U-M students are receptive to the idea.

South Complex Facilities Manager Paul Manson said MSU installed its security cameras in the late 1980s and early 1990s at the front doors of some residence halls.

"Overall, as the years have gone by, the response continues to be positive from the residents," Manson said. "Over time, as with most changes, the cameras have become part of the operation, just as getting your ID scanned at the door to get in after midnight."

MSU's surveillance systems might be an adjustment students were able to cope with during their time spent living in the residence halls, but some students think current residence hall security measures are fine.

"I think the camera at the front doors of halls do a good job, so I don't really see a need to put up more," mathematics junior Bill VanDyke said.

But Catherine Ochalek, a resident mentor at Holmes Hall, said she feels halls should have cameras at all entrances.

"The fact that it can catch thieves and help night receps to hold drunks, gives students a little more security," the no-preference sophomore said.

Ochalek's assigned hall has only two cameras, one at both the east and west entrances.

"One camera at the main entrance works fine," no-preference freshman Meghan Mallone said. "Installing cameras in other places would invade privacy."

MSU Residence Halls Association External Vice President Derek Wallbank said security measures should be conscious of people's privacy.

"I would personally be very opposed to putting in cameras, beyond where they currently are at outer doors," Wallbank said.

MSU RHA President Tim Liss stressed that RHA has no official position on the surveillance issue.

"We have not received any info on the possibility of our constituents wanting to have any more security cameras," Liss said.


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