Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Study comments out of context

I want to thank The State News for its continued interest in the National Collegiate Health Assessment, especially in light of those things that impact academic health, but I am very concerned The State News took comments and the purpose of the study on this issue out of context.

The call we answered last week was in comment to the possibility of MSU moving toward eliminating 8 a.m. classes because they were not conducive to the learning experience and that Penn State had eliminated them.

Our research and comments were only in connection to those health-related variables students reported as having an academic impact, with "sleep difficulties" being reported to having a major academic impact.

The study or comments were not at all in reference "to have or not to have" 8 a.m. classes, or that the sleep difficulties would even impact the academic integrity of 8 a.m. classes. Your story Friday ("Study shows early classes can hurt students' grades," 1/10) and the editorial Monday ("Crazy eights," 1/13) gave an entirely different perspective. I would hope that you would correct that impression.

Having said that, I believe we need to listen to students and if the environment is not conducive to learning, then it should be altered, whether we believe it is a matter of comfort or not. We need to be concerned by those who believe any kind of change in the style or substance of the academic calendar, teaching styles, or even their own syllabi is tantamount to blasphemy or heresy.

Frankly, one of the best things we did in the last 15 years on this campus was to change to semesters, because it forced those who take teaching/learning for granted to alter their syllabi and modify their teaching style.

The world is changing and for anyone to even assume the way students handle their late-night time as constructive or not is moot.

I am personally not in favor of canceling 8 a.m. classes, but as we move forward in this ever-changing world we must be open to possibilities.

I still teach here and at LCC and lecture in 8 a.m. classes all the time, and I have found 8 a.m. classes to be generally not as conducive to learning for some based on time/sleep management.

I believe there should continue to be choices in the sections for both students and faculty because I am sure there are some faculty who would also love to eliminate 8 a.m. classes.

Dennis P. Martell
Olin Health Center educator


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