Saturday, September 21, 2024

Take a peek behind the curtain and test drive the NEW today!

RHA leaders have integrity, honesty

In "The good the bad and the Sparty" (SN 12/6), The Checkbook Award going to the Residence Halls Association makes it sound like there is a lack of trust for the organization.

I have been active in RHA for quite some time, and I have never seen a more competent executive board than I have this year.

They know exactly what they are doing and how to get it done.

There isn't one executive who lacks the honesty and integrity RHA deserves.

This past fall semester, the residents' money was spent wisely and efficiently. It will only continue to be spent that way.

On another note, why aren't the many other things that RHA does for residents commented on other than just spending their money?

Do we remember who was a force in getting peepholes in our doors? RHA.

Right now, the organization is fighting a battle to get domestic partner benefits for students. We were the first organization to sign on for the fight, and we are currently the strongest.

Let's not lose sight of what the future for RHA holds and move past the wrongdoings of past administrations.

This semester's executives are taking charge and moving forward. Don't try to send us back.

Cory Rose
Holden Hall RHA representative


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