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Proactive apathy

MSU students shouldn't have to travel to Ann Arbor to rally for social consciousness

The University of Michigan is leading college campuses in rallies against the war with Iraq.

Why aren't we?

In light of Army Reserve units dispatching to the Middle East, this weekend an estimated 600 people will gather in Ann Arbor to protest at a two-day conference. Writers, professors and civil-rights activists will attend the presentations and workshops on Iraq history, activism, the media and social change. Following the event, on Jan. 18, protesters also can take part in a national march in Washington, D.C.

Many of the students attending the conference in Ann Arbor will be from MSU. And while traveling the hourlong drive to voice an opinion is honorable, soapboxes remain bare in East Lansing.

Last October, MSU students flooded Grand River Avenue to protest the U.S.-led pre-emptive strike on Iraq. These events don't happen here often. The event surprised police. The demonstration was controlled, nonviolent and participants were behaved.

College campuses are the best place to hold a rally. MSU would be the perfect location to debate conflict in the Middle East. A war affects lives in the United States and overseas.

With more than 44,000 enrolled at the university, MSU flourishes with diverse opinion and space for those views to be presented.

Too many Spartans consume sports - who is being benched, suspended or fired - and are not involved in issues affecting the world. The football team is important, but athletes' personal issues can only feed a need for juicy stories. Students need to voice their opinions and learn about what is going on in the rest of the world - off the field.

A war is going on in Iraq and people should not only be concerned, but involved. Not enough people voice their opinions. Events need to be planned and ideas need to be heard. Be proactive and bring the rallies here. Say what you think about the war - U-M is.


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