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Penn State only considering removal

Articles and letters to the editor recently appearing in The State News referred to an apparent move by Pennyslvania State University to eliminate all 8 a.m. classes beginning with the Fall 2003 term. This is not entirely accurate.

While Penn State President Graham B. Spanier has recommended the university explore phasing out 8 a.m. classes in an effort to become a more student-centered university, no timeline for this plan has been established to date.

It is no secret most Penn State students do not like 8 a.m. classes and often schedule them as a last resort. As such, a student's attendance, motivation and alertness often suffer. This hurts not only the individual, but can also adversely affect the entire classroom dynamic.

If a trial period that eliminates some 8 a.m. classes at Penn State is put into place and proves to foster a more favorable learning environment, it is conceivable that more 8 a.m. classes at the university could be taken out and moved to later periods in the day.

However, considerable evaluation and feedback will take place before Penn State considers eliminating 8 a.m. classes entirely.

Tysen Kendig
Penn State University spokesman


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