Sunday, September 22, 2024

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Looming layoffs

Union, 'U' should work together and settle differences before jobs are put in jeopardy

Potential layoffs have been on the minds of many members of the Clerical-Technical Union of MSU. Union members are expected to meet today to discuss negotiations with university officials. They will discuss issues they would like to see approached in the new deal, including if recent state budget cuts and higher education will impact hiring and layoffs.

It is in both the university's and the union's best interest to settle this before the contract expires March 31.

Contract negotiations will begin next month.

The 1,900-member union is the "glue" of the university. MSU should take into consideration that these members maintain services and make sure MSU runs smoothly.

The university should realize how important these people are to the business of the institution and that it couldn't run without them.

Yet, the union members also need to realize the value of what the university has to offer.

If laid off, the union has 60 days to find them another job on campus, which is convenient for some members, but not all. Members who are employed in the area of clerical work, such as secretaries, office assistants, cashiers and dispatchers do not have it as tough as technical workers.

Many of these technical workers are the brains and fuel to the university and should not have to suffer because of recent budget cuts and higher education.

These union workers are essential to the function of MSU and need to be taken seriously. A new deal needs to be negotiated before the union's contract runs out, especially if it looks like the budget cuts for the next fiscal year will be higher.

If the university eventually does have to lay off union members, it will be at a great loss of dedicated workers who are an asset to the university.


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