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Group deserves respect, funding

I would like to express that the Michigan State University Residence Halls Association (RHA) has earned my trust, and I think that all students living in residence halls should support RHA.

RHA governs successfully and funds successful programs.

First, RHA governs within the residence hall communities successfully.

RHA, for example, has its endorsement on the Residence Hall Regulations which provide for residents' rights and responsibilities.

RHA helps to be a voice for students in the residence halls through its solutions of support, or lack thereof, for (proposed) university policies.

That's just to name a few.

More important to me, however, is RHA's financial support for successful programs.

RHA gives money to groups who contribute to a positive and/or progressive benefit to students living in residence halls.

I can personally attest to the success of RHA's support for the MSU Mock Trial Team whose membership has a variety of students living in a variety of residence halls.

MSU Mock Trial has consistently been successful in academic competition in national collegiate-level mock trial tournaments, taking many awards and trophies.

That's why in every press release, MSU Mock Trial proudly mentions its thanks for the support of RHA. That's just one example of RHA's successful funding of a successful program.

I do not oppose paying my RHA tax, because I have personally seen the benefits of RHA.

And I hope other students living in residence halls will also see the massive benefits of RHA as I do.

Justin Kuxhaus
international relations sophomore and MSU Mock Trial officer


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