Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Granholm goals

Higher education needs to be top priority for Michigan's first female chief executive

Congratulations to Michigan's first woman governor, Jennifer Granholm. Now that Granholm has begun her job she, like John F. Kennedy, wants to know not what Michigan can do for you, but what you can do for your mitten state.

After defeating a 12-year run of a Republican governor, Granholm already has begun to make changes in Michigan.

Her first order of business was signing two executive orders, the first of which would prohibit unlawful businesses from working with the state. The second keeps executive branch employees from soliciting political contributions on state property.

While these are important issues, they're more in the attorney general field than governor. Granholm was an excellent attorney general but needs to move on and not forget the rest of the state's needs, such as higher education.

MSU was the first land-grant institution in the nation. The college is meant to be accessible to all citizens, so tuition must stay at an affordable level. The state has been tightening its belt and MSU will struggle if it's not supported by the state.

Tuition should only be raised at the same rate of inflation, but to maintain operations and improve upon the university, the state needs to assist with funding. Still, the rise of tuition and drop of funding leaves Granholm with a challenge to help higher education.

With a tight budget, Granholm faces the same problems as former Gov. John Engler. Instead of blaming people for the poor economy, she needs to accept the cards she has been dealt and look at it as a challenge. Granholm knew the job would not be comfortable and needs to keep that in mind.

Granholm has started her role as governor in a positive way and should continue this trend to become a strong leader for Michigan.

With top priorities to unify Michigan you can begin to ask yourself not what Granholm can do for you, but what can you do for Granholm.


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