Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Dorm jeopardizes complex courtyard

When I first learned MSU officials were considering an addition to the residence halls in Brody Complex, I must say I was intrigued. However, after learning of the proposed hall's location as well as its projected size, I was perplexed and concerned.

Jeff Kacos, director of Campus Park and Planning, believes the new building is consistent with MSU's 2020 Vision Plan. It was my understanding a major aspect of the plan was to increase green space on campus and make MSU even more aesthetically pleasing for students, faculty and visitors.

How can a building that will be crammed into such a small space and destroy a wonderful natural courtyard advance the efforts toward campus beautification? Besides, how is a residence hall with a capacity of only 300 residents going to even make a dent in the projected surplus of 1,200 students when Hubbard Hall is renovated?

I was a resident of Bryan Hall for each of my four years at MSU and considered Brody to be a home away from home.

Many of my fondest memories include time in that courtyard - Capture the Flag, Rock the Block or just walking to class every day. I would be very sorry to see MSU officials sacrifice such a beautiful natural area for a building that would do so little to solve their problems.

I encourage all current or past Brody residents to make their voices heard and stand up for your home.

Matthew Means
2002 graduate


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