Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Deceiving drop

Lower gameday arrests are positive, but attendance, morale contribute to numbers

By the numbers, it looks as though Spartans are celebrating more responsibly on football Saturdays. Despite the Green and White hosting more home games in 2002 - a total of eight - MSU police reported a significant drop in gameday arrests for the fall season.

MSU police arrested 291 people on football Saturdays in 2002. That number is down nearly 45 percent from the previous year's statistic of 591 arrests. Gameday arrests had been on the rise: MSU police reported 362 arrests in 1999 and 484 in 2001.

Although the 2002 figure is commendable, the number shouldn't be read without context. The fact that Spartan fans had little to celebrate in 2002 and too many fans left games early should not be overlooked. Frankly, there were fewer people on campus who needed arresting.

But no one should rain on the MSU police's parade. The department does deserve a pat on the back for making a serious effort to be more approachable and less intimidating.

The department decreased its gameday presence in 2002 and officers patrolled on foot in pairs instead of eight-person groups. MSU police say they gave more trust and responsibility to fraternity and sorority members to monitor their own tailgating behaviors.

Besides, students aren't the only ones tailgating on football Saturdays - they consistently account for less than half of gameday arrests. MSU Police Chief Jim Dunlap said he noticed something was going right when students began to regularly approach officers to chat.

Still, it is inevitable the gameday arrest rates will increase again once the football team gives fans something to celebrate. It is important for MSU police and other community leaders not to worry when that happens.

MSU police should continue on the path of improved outreach they have embarked upon. It's working.

All members of the MSU community shouldn't forget this is a university town and students like to celebrate. For Spartans who are older than 21, that means legal drinking. What it doesn't mean is a riotous atmosphere.


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