Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Crazy eights

Study linking early classes to low grades shouldn't cause fade-out of 8 a.m. start times

Early rising isn't a potion for success in college for everyone. But it is for some.

And even though a 2002 National Collegiate Health Assessment study said early classes hurt students' grades, Penn State University officials should reconsider their decision to eliminate all 8 a.m. classes from the university's schedule.

MSU should not implement Penn State's plans, as it limits the number of students' options for classes.

Eliminating 8 a.m. classes would disadvantage those who enjoy beginning their learning experience early.

Sleep can be a serious academic impediment, though. According to the study, sleep abnormalities slashed the grades of 23 percent of MSU students.

Also, Penn State spokesman Tysen Kendig said the university had low enrollment in early classes and 8 a.m. courses were often skipped.

Some students might not be able to stay awake in class. But students need to be responsible in providing for their sleep needs.

On the other hand, certain students pay their own college tuition, which means they have to work. Starting the day early gives them more hours to work in the evening.

The university doesn't need to eliminate all 8 a.m. classes. It just needs to make sure students have options to avoid early start times.

In any class, if there are multiple sections, there should be variety of beginning times. Otherwise, those who like to start early will be stuck with a night class and those who like to sleep in will be rolling out of bed half-asleep for school.

Universities cannot please each student in every aspect, but they can take polls to find out the needs of their students. Obviously, all students do not want their classes in the early morning hours, considering the popularity of night classes. If the university did eliminate 8 a.m. classes, it would only be appeasing those who didn't like getting up early.

On occasion, 8 a.m. classes are selected as the last option to fit into a student's schedule.

Our options already are limited - let's not restrict them any further.


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