Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Columnist took show too seriously

After reading the "Sex and the City" column, I was furious ("'Sex and the City' promotes negative images," SN 1/27).

I think the columnist took the show way too literally. It is a comedy that provides entertainment. No one wants to grow up to be exactly like the characters, but I wouldn't mind having their confidence or wardrobe for that matter.

These are women who are dealing with the lemons life has handed them. They are just trying to enjoy their life. They don't hurt or harm anyone.

It's on HBO, so little kids have no business watching it. And if the columnist of that column can't understand their reality from ours, she shouldn't be watching it either.

I get an enormous amount of pleasure in watching that show. It makes fun of the most taboo topic of all - sex.

But I will admit as much as I like to visit their world, I don't want to live there.

The columnist needs to jump down from her high horse and realize that it is all in fun, and if you can't complain about sex to your girlfriends, then who?

Susan Berry
telecommunication junior


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