Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Cloning has many practical reasons

Though I agreed with most of Monday's "Spartans question claim of human clone" (SN 1/13), one point struck me as needing an answer.

David Taggart, a biochemistry student, said he "can't see any practical reason" to clone a human.

This struck me as naïve since I believe human cloning is crucial to answering some of humanity's most basic and important questions.

Cloning can answer so many questions because it gives an unprecedented experimental control: identical genetic information.

Studying two genetically identical people raised in different environments (as was previously done with separated-at-birth twins) could tell us the extent that things such as personality, intelligence, emotions, etc., are controlled by genetics.

Additionally, by controlling both the genetics (through cloning) and the environment, we could find evidence showing whether or not there is another factor that makes people unique - what some might call a "soul."

Clearly the proof or debunking of this long-held notion is important, as it could be the first step in proving or disproving the existence of a god or at least its role as a "creator."

I urge the MSU community to welcome human cloning not only for the medical and reproductive benefits but also for the possibility of answering so many of our lives' important questions.

Joseph Wachter
chemistry graduate student


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