Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Budget back ups

E.L. officials are prepared for a rocky budget year and have made smart fixes for the city

The state government hasn't been shy about passing the buck of hard economic times on to Michigan municipalities and state-subsidized institutions. The message from Lansing to local governments' officials has been to pick their poison.

Luckily, East Lansing leaders are wasting no time heeding the Legislature's warnings of rough waters. Local officials were poised Tuesday with ways to combat unexpected cuts and expense, such as a $241,000 loss in state revenue sharing, a $478,300 loss in fire protection grants, the $344,745 needed for the Hannah Community Center and $80,000 in extra health-care costs.

Yeah, that's a lot of cash. This year's $50-million city budget came face to face with a $622,515 shortfall.

To compensate, city officials plan to save $258,000 by eliminating vacant staff positions, $40,000 by cutting training not needed for certifications, $217,000 by canceling road and sidewalk repair projects and $50,000 in contingency funds. Of this plan, the city's cuts should pump $521,000 into East Lansing's general fund -which pays for police and fire services, salaries for city administrators and public works operations.

And voil


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