Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Williams costumes were not offensive

I would like to agree with John A. Amrhein's letter to the editor "Story about Virginia party left questions" (SN 12/02).

I, too, did not understand why this issue was so controversial.

Two white men coming to a costume party dressed as the Williams sisters shows no racial injustice up front and since we, as a campus, have no further information, we should be fools to jump to any such conclusions as to what was meant by it.

In my opinion, it should be an honor to the Williams sisters that people would want to dress up like them on Halloween.

Halloween has become a holiday where you don't have to dress up in scary costumes anymore.

Now, you can dress as someone or something you wish you were, and the way I see it, these boys were just trying to show some Halloween spirit.

As for Amrhein being white, I don't think that makes a difference. I am Hispanic and I have no clue why people found these boys so offensive.

I believe in this case, race has no firm ground and shouldn't even be brought into the situation.

Sheena Olivia Delgado
psychology junior


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