Saturday, September 21, 2024

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SN shouldn't publish intolerant opinions

I could not believe The State News chose to publish such an awful column ("Religious majority doesn't understand atheist views," SN 11/26). The author was not only wrong, but completely intolerant.

I find it ridiculous that we pay money for a paper and are force-fed liberal ideas every day.

The State News should not have published an article that condemned theists for believing in a deity, how fitting that it was published right before Christmas.

Faith is something that cannot be proven or explained, but that is the point of it. Not everything has to be proven to be correct.

I was disappointed to see an article like that. I'll bet it would have been harder for a theist to publish an article on the benefits of religion.

That's the "open-minded" and "accepting" liberal majority for you.

Allison Thompson
history sophomore


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