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Gender education

Men should be encouraged to learn more about women's health issues with new Olin programs

In January, Olin Health Center's Community Action Team will add four women's health programs to its repertoire. These programs, although concentrating on women's sexuality, offer a perfect chance for both men and women to learn about women's health.

While women might be more likely to get involved with MSU's Women's Healthy Sexuality Month, men should also choose to take an active role. The action team should seize this opportunity to reach out to men and help them to become aware of issues surrounding date rape, body image and emergency contraception, among other issues.

While these issues directly affect women, they also involve men. A better understanding of date rape by men could help combat the crime. Also, better planning on behalf of couples could reduce the number of women seeking emergency contraception.

January can be a time for men to gain some valuable insights on how women work. It is an opportunity for them to learn how discourage women and themselves from acting in ways that could be detrimental to the a health and sexuality of the nation's women.

If the action team reaches out to men, and hey inturn take the time to get educated about women's health issues, they can help improve women's health overall by taking steps to understand their own influences.


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