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Columnist's words were hypocritical

I was floored by John Bice's column "Religious majority doesn't understand atheist views" (SN 11/26). I found his arguments to be intolerant and ignorant of opposing views.

Bice complained of a "surprising level of hostility toward secularism," but only offers an even more hostile attitude toward theists.

He chose to highlight only negative acts committed in the name of religion, leaving the benevolent actions of religious figures like Mother Theresa, Ghandi and organizations, such as the Salvation Army, out of his equation. He failed to recognize the root cause of such horrible acts like the Sept. 11 terrorist attacks and the Crusades is the intolerance of other's beliefs, one of the few things Bice convincingly demonstrated in his column.

Bice was guilty of the very thing he is accusing the religious majority of: He was trying to impose his theological world view on everybody else.

Effectively, he is suggesting theists should be discriminated against in the sphere of public policy because of their beliefs. Such a position is not only intolerant, but a threat to democracy.

Hypocritically, Bice does not apply his own arguments to himself.

He states that it's important for religionists to recognize their supernatural beliefs are anything but established facts.

It is equally important atheists to recognize that their beliefs are anything but an established fact.

For our nation to function properly as a democracy, public policy must take into account all viewpoints: atheist, agnostic or what have you, and not the opinions of a select few.

I am disappointed in The State News for choosing to print a column teeming with religious intolerance. I find it sad and ironic that The State News and the rest of the liberal media preach universal tolerance, but serve as forum for religious intolerance.

Dan Roosien
English and computer science senior


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