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Spartan drive

Best chance to beat Penn State will be bloody; donate as part of annual blood-drive effort

While lately it seems people only talk about MSU’s losses on the football field, students have the chance to collectively garner a win against the Nittany Lions.

The ninth annual MSU-Penn State Blood Challenge began Monday and will run until Nov. 18 with locations across campus. Last year MSU collected 1,548 pints of blood, beating the Nittany Lions for the third time in the history of the drive.

Blood donation might only take a few minutes, but its benefits are tremendous and life preserving. The American Red Cross reports that every 12 seconds someone receives a blood transfusion.

While a staggering 97 percent of the population will need blood by 75, only 5 percent donates, and that statistic often results in devastating shortages in the blood supply.

With this MSU-Penn State challenge, an overflow of blood donations would not only save lives, but might help save school spirit. Collecting the most blood will promote the solid community atmosphere and good name MSU ought to be known by.

Recent news surrounding the MSU community has cast the school in a poor light. During such times, positive news is often ignored while attention focuses on controversy. Consequently, there is no greater way for students to bring community focus back on the favorable aspects of life at MSU then by supporting such a good cause.

This blood-drive challenge promotes a healthy rivalry with Penn State that hopefully lasts well after the event.

And regardless whether Nov. 18 will crown MSU as the champion again, the importance really lies not in a win but in a spirit the challenge provokes.

If MSU students really want to do something positive this year, they should stop complaining about a football team and do something beneficial for the lives of fellow human beings.

Go State. Go donate.


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