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Residents deserve smoking options

In response to the article about banning smoking in the dorm rooms ("'U' debates hall smoking regulations," SN 11/12), I'd like to express my extreme displeasure for that choice.

I understand people don't like smokers blowing the nasty stuff in their faces, but if it remains "by room, by choice," I don't see a problem.

If the roommate of a smoker doesn't care if they smoke in the room, where is the problem?

We don't punish people who want to drink in the rooms if they are of legal age.

Although smoking causes cancer and other horrible consequences, most, if not all smokers, are aware of their actions and the detrimental effects of their actions.

People who drink know it can lead to alcoholism as well as liver cancer and other health problems. How is it different?

I just don't understand why people are so up in arms about smoking if it is agreeable to both parties in the room.

Sure, if your roommate doesn't want you to smoke in the room, that's something to be respected and the precedent is set that the smoker will go elsewhere, be it outside or to another room that allows it.

Not allowing people the choice to smoke in their rooms is the same as saying that people can't drink in the room.

And if that happened, the students would be up in arms about it.

Just a thought.

Jessica Backofen
communication sophomore


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