Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Media shouldn't promote violence

In the light of all the violence in our society, especially after our sporting events, I fail to see why The State News would run reviews explaining and depicting the graphic nature of Xbox video games, such as "Deathrow" ("'Deathrow' offers combination of distractions with fighting, sports" SN 11/19).

This game speaks of breaking bones, beating people to a pulp, threats and profanity, ramming knees into faces - all of this at slow motion for special effects. In addition, the reviewer even goes so far as to state that some of this "is beautiful." This is exemplary of the mixed messages we are sending to our youth out there.

On one hand, we tell them violence is a bad thing. But on the other hand, newspapers run articles like this which make it seem OK that we play these games and have these thoughts and want to do these things in our minds.

If newspapers feel they must advertise this kind of violent media, they should be advocating that this kind of behavior is not OK, and articles like this should be followed up with an addendum by the editor stating that behavior such as this is wrong for people to engage in.

Studies already are linking violent games such as these with violent behavior in young people. I am surprised there is not more of an outcry at this type of media coverage by people who are concerned about violence in our society.

M Ray
Lansing resident


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