Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Honor differences, not similarities

I agree with Mark Hicks in his column "People should try to socialize outside colored comfort zones" (SN 11/18). However, in his final words, Hicks supports the idea of "gray skies," which he so strongly criticized at the opening of his column.

"We are all human, and we should treat each other that way," Hicks said in closing.

True. Our generation learned from "Sesame Street" that we all sing the same song with the same voice - that there is nothing to fear because we are all the same. But this way of seeing others urges us to value commonalties over difference: in other words, gray over color. As children, we had the impression that we sang in harmony. As adults, our ears interpret differences like a discordant piano with a 4-year-old at the keys.

If we are to avoid the "drab and dull variations of the same hue" that would characterize a world without diversity, we must encourage each other to identify what differentiates individuals or groups racially, culturally, physically and spiritually. We then must elevate the idea of difference in our minds and recognize it as one of the most wonderful, colorful elements of life. As Hicks said, we need to step - maybe even leap - beyond our learned comfort zone. Once we escape the confines of that box, we must recognize and value difference if we are to live happy and peaceful lives in today's world.

I encourage you to break out of the box; the grass is greener on the other side - and more yellow and purple and red.

Liz Farina
advertising graduate student


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