Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Greenhouse group has great vision

I am writing in support of The Student Greenhouse Project effort. For the past several years, it has been my pleasure to watch the planning, research and effort to present a cogent, attractive and feasible plan to the university that would permit the construction of a dome-style greenhouse near the Old Horticulture Building.

This facility appears to answer the needs for formal and informal, small- and moderate-sized group requirements, as well as a place for study and quiet contemplation for individuals.

The greenhouse model has been found to be popular in many cities and universities around the world to showcase horticultural exhibits and serve as an indoor park.

I have found the student greenhouse group to be a resourceful set of individuals who are able to harness their corporate abilities to clear substantial hurdles. I believe they would be able to assist the university in directed fund raising, and in the effort to acquire the appropriate resources to build and maintain this facility.

The development of a greenhouse is no trivial task. Long-term maintenance of the facility, plantings and grounds must be addressed. Surely, the premiere agricultural school in the state, perhaps the nation, should be able to carefully consider this as a worthy project.

We have tremendous resources within the university for design and selection of plantings. Some of the studies reviewed by the student group have recommended consideration of psychological and sociological research, botanical studies and engineering projects that might be associated with the greenhouse project.

It deserves a close and positive review.

Gail Shafer-Crane
radiology professor


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