Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Education efforts

Policy delay isn't cause for worries, LBGT community has opportunity to help 'U' learn

A delay in the Academic Governance system's endeavor to see gender identity included in MSU's anti-discrimination policy demonstrates the need for education and understanding of gender identity issues.

The current anti-discrimination policy protects MSU community members from discrimination against such factors as age, color, sex, disability, marital status, national origin, race, religion, sexual orientation and other factors, but it does not include the term gender identity and what it means.

An ASMSU proposal made a year ago suggested the addition of a gender identity clause to stand independent in the policy. Adding this clause is important because it would add an explanation of gender identity and recognize transgender individuals as a group in need of protection from harassment and discrimination.

While being presented to an Academic Governance committee for further review, the report on adding the clause grew to more than 100 pages. Thus, it is understandable that after 80 hours into subcommittee discussion, it was decided the inclusion of a footnote to the anti-discrimination policy would be more beneficial than a separate clause.

And though the proposal has faced tortoise-paced delay like many bureaucratic movements, it does not show a lack of support from the executive committee. Karen Chou, chairperson of the committee created to deal with the gender identity issue, said the executive committee came to the conclusion that "yes, we should do something to protect these individuals, but to put it in this language is very difficult."

We hope members of the Alliance of Lesbian-Bi-Gay-Transgendered and Straight Ally Students don't get discouraged by Academic Governance's delay and continue to help educate MSU leaders about what can be a confusing topic. The more minds the group can help educate now, the better its chances will be to overcome gender identity protection's biggest challenge - the Board of Trustees.


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