Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Dirty deed

Campus pranks might be funny in movies, but Wednesday's creaming was out of line

Imagine sitting in a review session for a test you aren't prepared for while your professor is assailed with mock "cream" pies. Not only is it bad timing, but it's just not cool.

For whatever reason, two masked assailants decided to launch such an attack on Associate Professor Vincent Melfi on Wednesday. It was most likely unwarranted.

Not only was this offensive to the professor, but also to the students who had their exam review cut short by an hour.

Whether this was meant as a joke or an attack on the professor's personal character is completely irrelevant. MSU is an institution of higher learning and students should not act like grade-school children and disrupt valuable class time.

While practical jokes like hitting a professor with a cream pie might be funny on National Lampoon college-spoof movies such as "Animal House" or "Van Wilder," the action is not so laughable in the real world. Everyday humor at "PCU" is very disgraceful at places like MSU.

It takes special people to demean an educator and hinder the ability of fellow students to learn for the purpose of a few laughs. And in Wednesday's session of Statistics 315 in B-108 Wells hall, it took a special kind of masked people.

Hopefully these assailants won't remain so cowardly and will show their faces to Melfi and his students when they apologize for their childish actions.

Although Melfi didn't choose to file a formal report when he notified MSU police of the incident, which he dismissed as a prank, the culprits should pay for their actions.

If they were bold enough to carry through with their video-taped prank, they should be bold enough to offer an apology for their heinous behavior.

Leave college pranks up to the Hollywood professionals, don't try it at MSU.


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