Monday, June 17, 2024

Big man ready for big job

Richard ready to display his skills as starter after Moss dismissal

November 8, 2002

MSU freshman tailback David Richard created a hostile environment when he signed his National Letter of Intent.

The St. Louis native was the target of a lot of criticism when he decided to leave the state to play for MSU.

He received hate mail from area fans and even high school faculty openly disagreed with his decision.

His first season hasn’t unfolded the way he would’ve liked as the Spartans are at a disappointing 3-6.

And in the last week, he’s lost a mentor and then his head coach.

But he still doesn’t regret his decision.

Richard will get the first start of his career, however, former head coach Bobby Williams and senior tailback Dawan Moss will not be on the sidelines.

“At first, I didn’t really believe it,” he said referring to Williams’ termination.

“It was kind of hard to believe because Coach Williams was one of the main reasons I came in and now he’s gone.

“I’m going to still have Coach Williams with me when I play.

“He’s a great man. He cared more about you as a person more than an athlete.”

In his debut season, Richard has been a productive backup behind Moss.

In nine games, the 6-foot-2, 230-pounder has 94 carries for 416 yards (4.4 yards per carry) and two touchdowns.

The bruising tailback seems to be the running back of the future for the Spartans, however, he didn’t think he’d get his first start at the expense of Moss.

Richard, a hard worker himself, said he admired Moss for his practice habits and credits the former co-captain for some of his development.

“I just tried to match his intensity during practice,” Richard said.

“That made me a better player. That made me improve.”

Not many doubt Richard’s ability when he has the ball in his hands.

However, as the starting tailback, he’ll be asked to play a larger role in the passing game.

Running backs coach Reggie Mitchell said early in the season Richard went through the normal growing pains of protecting the quarterback.

“He’s really getting better with protection and things,” he said.

“That’s normally the hardest part of being a running back.”

He impressed early in the season opener.

Richard had 11 carries for 93 yards and a touchdown.

Richard’s most notable performance came against Notre Dame, when Moss had just nine carries for nine yards.

As the backup tailback in the same game, Richard had 70 yards on 15 carries.

Richard’s work ethic hasn’t gone unnoticed by his upperclassmen teammates.

“I think he’s well prepared,” senior guard Paul Harker said.

“I think David Richard is a very hard worker. He practices very hard and he gives his all.”

Richard is a confident player and takes his mistakes personally, but he said they motivate him to study the game even more.

“I just have to help my teammates out as much as I can,” he said.

“I have to get out there and play my hardest and be mistake free on all of my assignments.

“I’m ready for the challenge. It’s my time to get on the field and really show what I can do with the numerous amount of carries that I receive.”


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