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Water aid

Measure would provide $1 billion to improve Great Lakes states water treatment projects

Surrounded by the Great Lakes and with thousands of inland lakes, it’s easy for Michigan to take its water resources for granted. But a glance at the Red Cedar River - and how bad it looked 30 years ago - should tell us the importance of paying attention to the environment.

Voting yes on Proposal 2 would give local municipalities the resources they need to protect our state’s water.

It was only two years ago that E. coli pollution forced the cancellation of the annual Lyman Briggs School and James Madison College canoe race - the first time the groups have had to cancel their event in 27 years.

Of course, the river is cleaner now than it was in the 1960s, when it ran green with duckweed and algae, fed by its sewage sources.

The river was still referred to as the “Red Sewer” in the 1970s. Although updated sewage systems and waste treatment facilities have attempted to improve the drainage, problems still exist.

If passed, Proposal 2 will authorize the state to take out bonds totaling up to $1 billion to finance sewage treatment, storm water and water pollution projects. Such projects would protect waterways such as the Red Cedar.

Aging or inadequate sewers and other related problems continue to threaten many of Michigan’s lakes and rivers; Proposal 2 will nearly double the amount of low-interest loans the state can make to municipalities for repairs.

Ten percent of the money from this proposal would set up a fund to help communities disconnecting underground systems of down spouts and footing drains from the sewer system, as well as aiding homeowners who need to fix or replace leaky septic systems. These problems, left unfixed, contribute to the deterioration and pollution of Michigan’s rivers and lakes.

Proposal 2 is the best way to help Michigan have cleaner, healthier water for all of its citizens.


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