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Time for equality

LCC takes brave step forward for equal rights, time has come for state to make next move

Lansing Community College has jumped aboard the train to the 21st century by stopping discrimination based on sexual orientation and is extending employee benefits to same-sex partners.

The LCC Board of Trustees approved the measure at Monday night’s meeting. The community college is joining a growing list of employers that are recognizing the need to treat all Americans equally.

The MSU Board of Trustees approved same-sex partner benefits in 1997.

Discussion of LCC’s benefit proposal has been circulating around the Lansing community since the summer. Only one community member spoke out against the measure at Monday’s meeting.

Critics of such policies say there is no way to recognize same-sex unions because the state does not. Employers who offer such benefits often require employees to sign certain contracts attesting to their partnership to receive the benefits.

One way such critics of same-sex benefits could be silenced is if Michigan lawmakers step up to the platform and board that train.

The Legislature could do this by including sexual orientation and gender identity in Michigan’s anti-discrimination laws and begin recognizing civil unions, which would give same-sex partners a statewide criteria to receive proper benefits.

Some people might argue same-sex unions should not be recognized by the state because certain religious denominations do not recognize homosexual marriage. But the two issues do not connect.

Heterosexual couples have the option of getting married in front of a priest, minister or justice of the peace. Homosexual unions are no different than heterosexual civil marriages, and should not be considered differently.

Despite tactics used to deter LCC’s policymakers’ attention from their goal of focusing on justice and equality, the decision to provide benefits to homosexual employees and their significant others was the right thing to do.

LCC’s choice to look past an employee’s sexual orientation makes it one of the intelligent members of a growing minority that is not afraid to come to terms with an ever-changing world.


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