Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Stay straight

Voters should have option of voting by party; making ballots easy should be states priority

Proposal 1 compromises the freedom of citizens who actively contribute to their government. And it’s an idea Michigan voters should not support.

In an effort to overturn a decision by the GOP-controlled Legislature, the state Democratic Party introduced the measure to let voters decide if straight-ticket voting should be eliminated. The act also includes several other election reform measures for the Secretary of State’s office.

While the other measures tacked onto Proposal 1 are beneficial, the measure would infringe upon a major concept of the democratic process - choice.

While those who vote along party lines might be criticized for not looking at an entire ballot with an open mind, the concept of straight-party voting is completely in line with the ideals of our voting rights.

If voters wish to make all their choices for one political party, they have the right to do so. If they prefer to vote differently in each race, that is fine, too. Nonetheless, those who opt to take the fast-track approach should have the option to do so.

If Proposal 1 passes, the possibility of people wanting to change their way of voting is slim. Eliminating the straight-party option would prolong waits at polling booths as more voters are forced to wade through the entire ballot to do the same thing they could do with one mark.

Such waits could discourage people from voting, and no one should be deterred from exercising that constitutional right. We should not pass laws that keep people from the polls. Rather, policies should promote the voting process.

By voting no on Proposal 1, Michiganians are saying yes to democracy.


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