Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Spartans should stop acting rudely

In reference to the commentaries about the rude behavior on campus lately, I could not agree more.

I’ll admit I’ve done these rude things, but never as far as I have seen this weekend. The envelope was pushed beyond the breaking point.

The whole weekend was ruined when somebody felt the need to throw two full beer bottles through the back windshield of one of my weekend guest’s car on Saturday. Before this, a group of us stood to cross a street while three cars full of people decide to yell obscenities to us for no reason.

Is this what we’ve learned at MSU - how to be selfish, uncaring and rude humans?

People should wake up and realize that if this keeps happening, there will be more important things to get upset about than a bad football head coach.

Please, if you cannot control yourself when you drink, don’t do it. And before you do something you might regret, ask yourself, “How would I feel if this happened to me?”

I used to defend the football team, I used to defend fellow Spartans, but now I’m almost regretting having ever came to MSU, and not one friend can blame me.

Rick Brown
kinesiology sophomore


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