Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Proper publication

Growing list of newspapers announcing LGBT commitments positive trend for national media

Another major U.S. newspaper joined the list of publications that are announcing same-sex partner commitments and therefore bringing important issues out for social discussion.

It’s beneficial for nationally respected publications to acknowledge the fact that the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community is just another average part of society, and it would be prudent for other American institutions to begin doing the same.

On the heel of National Coming Out Days, the Boston Globe published three announcements for same-sex commitments Sunday.

The Boston Globe’s new policy brings the number of newspapers that publish or plan to publish same-sex union announcements to 139 and puts it among the ranks of The New York Times, The Charlotte (N.C.) Observer and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch, which are all strides ahead of a government that will not recognize these unions.

Although certain religious denominations refuse to equate same-sex unions with the institution of marriage, the government should not discriminate against the legality and benefits of civil unions.

Same-sex commitments should not be viewed differently than traditional marriages under the law. The only secular difference among the two is that same-sex unions are not widely accepted. It’s time for the American government to face up to reality.

By announcing same-sex commitments, newspapers like the Boston Globe are promoting equal treatment under the law.

The published announcements are a stepping stone for LGBT relationships in their pursuit to be legally recognized as any other type of civil union. The eyes of the law should not see them any differently than heterosexual unions.

Those in the LGBT community love their partners and cherish their relationship with their partners just like straight couples. They should be allowed to celebrate and announce their love in an open and accepting setting.

We hope more publications join the efforts of the 139 who already have signed on to announcing same-sex commitments. And we hope the government soon hears their message.


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