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Pro-life does not equal anti-choice

In reading the letter to the editor “Agree or not, choice is a American right” (SN 10/9), I think a major misinterpretation is being made.

Pro-life is not anti-choice in any means. You have to look beyond your perception and try to understand their views.

To a pro-lifer, abortion is not simply a choice to do something to your own body. It’s murder, plain and simple.

Yes, in America we have freedom, but we don’t have the freedom to walk up to anyone we want and kill them for any reason we might have.

If we do, there are consequences. And generally, those consequences have to do with taking away aspects of your freedom.

Take for instance the recent stand against hate crimes here on campus for example. We don’t tolerate them not because we want to inhibit people from expressing themselves but because it is harmful to others.

Taking a stand against them in no way means you are taking a stand against freedom.

Now, apply this to abortion. Just because one is taking a stand against abortion doesn’t mean they are taking a stand against freedom.

In the mind of a pro-lifer, abortion is equal to, if not more hideous than murder thus they do not see any room for allowing it.

Likewise, pro-choice is simply a way to identify one’s position on abortion, it doesn’t necessarily mean they advocate choice in every aspect of life either.

This is why there is so much debate and controversy in the issue of abortion. It’s important to look at both sides and try to understand their views, even if you don’t agree with them.

Heather Frankovich
no-preference sophomore


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