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Pedestrians should share danger blame

I’d like to respond to Patti Ruggiero’s letter to the editor, “Drivers should read, yield to pedestrians” (SN 10/1).

I’m a frequent walker or biker myself, but I drive on campus once or twice a week to my night classes.

While there are plenty of aggressive drivers that ignore Yield to Pedestrians signs, there also and walkers and bikers to blame.

Just a few days ago, I noticed several bikers zip right through the crosswalk, trying to beat speeding cars.

Couldn’t bikers or drivers spare five seconds and let each other through?

There also are those who talk on their cell phones (pedestrians, bikers and drivers) and ignore others’ presence.

I can recall one time when I was driving and a pedestrian was talking on her cell phone. She didn‘t even check to see if there were cars before crossing the sidewalk.

I emergency stopped my vehicle in time, just so she could finish planning her weekend.

Don’t blame this stuff on drivers solely because we don’t appreciate one-finger gestures and obscene words - sometimes pedestrians deserve them in return.

Sam Lin
telecommunication senior


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