Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Open discussion

U should engage in national debate about ethical concerns of university investments

The university community is right to begin discussing whether it is ethical for MSU to have some of its money invested in Israeli companies.

On campuses throughout the nation - including the University of Michigan, where students recently lashed out because administrators refused to divest in Israel - students are beginning to question why universities have investments in an area riddled with conflict.

The movement is similar to one that helped lead to the end of Apartheid in South Africa. Universities, backed by students, ended their financial support of South African companies because of the wrongs committed there against blacks.

It was certainly a powerful statement.

Now, as concerns are raised about Israel’s treatment of Palestinians, some are suggesting universities pull investments from there, as well.

In addition, a coalition of student groups on campus wants the university to review its whole portfolio and divest from anything that could contribute to destructive practices. The group uses Playboy Enterprises, ExxonMobil Corp. and Citigroup as examples.

These are serious issues that need to be addressed, and a campus dialogue should occur.

Even if the university decides against divesting, such a discussion spreads awareness about the conflict in the Middle East and promotes a better understanding of the impact investing in certain companies can have.

There are a lot of ways the university can make change by using its economic ties, but it is not yet clear if divesting in Israel is the best way to help discourage the Israeli-Palestinian conflict.

As a university we need to come together to discuss and try to answer these questions, which could affect many people overseas and on campus.


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