Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Liberals should stop blaming Bush

It is unfortunate how the majority of liberal students on this campus attack the Bush administration for everything that happens in this country - from the economy to war, students never look at the facts.

For one, the economy began slowing down during former President Clinton’s last year in office, so back off.

The Bush administration isn’t the reason for a company’s wrong projections and corporate corruption, though you liberals like to blame him for it.

Others say we should focus on reviving the economy instead of war. I have one question to ask: What good will the economy be when a mushroom cloud is rising from a U.S. city?

As for those who say the administration is trying to scare us, they continuously forget the Clinton administration released a report stating the very same thing.

Saddam Hussein is producing weapons of mass destruction to use against the Middle East and United States.

Wake up liberals, Democrat leaders are supporting the Bush administration in the demands of a disarmed Iraq.

They might not agree with all of the wording in this week’s debated resolution, but they certainly agree with the reasoning behind it.

Matthew Coleman
political science
and pre-law junior


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