Saturday, September 21, 2024

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Fire Williams, get promised results

So much promise with so little results.

That is the story of the MSU football program. How does a team that went 10-2 three seasons ago compile records of mediocrity the past two and, now, the possibility of not even making a bowl game.

The answer: Football head coach Bobby Williams.

Williams has done nothing but bring embarrassment to this program. As a proud alumnus of this university, I can’t say I’m too pleased.

When it comes down to it, you cannot blame any of the players. As we have seen their abilities in games past, you have to look at how they are coached.

Coaching involves getting players ready each week on how to play against an opposing team and what they will bring come game day. I have yet to see that.

Somehow, I do not think the Spartans were ready the last two weeks.

There are only five games left in our season. If there is an indication by all that has happened so far, we’ll be lucky to make the Motor City Bowl.

Were we not supposed to contend for a Big Ten title?

How does a team with this much talent look so bad? Coaching, plain and simple. Change the coach, change the direction of which way the program should go. And, taking a quote from the student section this weekend, the only way to remedy this situation is to “Fire Bobby.”

Peter Sanchez
2000 graduate


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