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Bernero or bust

Lansing rep. is a proven fighter for beliefs, DeWeese has tainted record on student issues

Time has run out for Paul DeWeese and his tenure in the Legislature. Voters should elect Virg Bernero to the state’s 23rd District Senate seat when they take a minute to go to the polls Nov. 5.

While both state representatives have made closing the funding gap that exists among Michigan’s three research universities a priority in their campaign to the win the hearts of Spartan voters, Bernero is the candidate the MSU community can believe will fight the hardest for them.

The Lansing Democrat’s enthusiasm and drive for his job are no match for many who serve along his side and across the aisle, including DeWeese, a Williamston Republican.

While DeWeese has seen more of his bills pass the House floor than his opponent has, Bernero has proven to be a more outspoken advocate. Knowing his ideas might not become law given the political atmosphere of the state Legislature has not stopped Bernero from lobbying for policies he feels will benefit Michigan citizens.

He’s been a strong support of equal rights for the state’s lesbian, bisexual, gay and transgender community, as well as speaking out in favor of affirmative action and efforts to help people in the state’s economically troubled urban centers. DeWeese, a moderate Republican, supports the same issues, but with less enthusiasm and vigor.

Bernero is a lawmaker who brings new and innovative ideas to the table and fights for what he believes while keeping an open mind for compromise.

Bernero knows the importance of universities such as MSU finding a way to rid themselves from a reliance on state funding, which is expected to fall by as much as 5 percent next year. He has spoken in favor of putting students on university boards to help balance the decisions.

When it comes down to it, Bernero is the type of person voters should want to have fighting on their side, because they can trust he will do just that: fight.

DeWeese, on the other hand, was given the opportunity to fight and failed to even show up - on time at least.

His failure to make a committee vote for legislation that would have repealed the ineffective tuition tax credit is inexcusable. His vote would have saved students at MSU and other state universities a lot of money through lower tuition rates.

DeWeese is inarguably an individual who can get a few bills passed, but when it comes to being an aggressive advocate and getting the job done, he just doesn’t measure up.

Bernero is a legislator who will work for the MSU community. He brings fresh and innovative ideas to the table along with a superior work ethic. If given the opportunity he will be a voice for change and equality in the state Senate.

Bernero will work for his constituents. DeWeese had his chance in the state House; his time is up.

Take a stance with Bernero and vote to elect him to the state Senate.


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