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Another chance

City has given fraternity second opportunity to redeem itself, members should mend problem

Fraternities, such as Delta Chi, are inexcusably trying the patience of their community by repeatedly violating noise ordinances as well as a long-standing general code.

The East Lansing Housing Commission on Thursday suspended the fraternity’s rental license for 180 days beginning Jan. 2 for nuisance behaviors.

The commission might reconsider the suspension at its Nov. 21 meeting if the fraternity presents a reasonable program to alter its behavior. Delta Chi is located at 101 Woodmere Ave.

Delta Chi already was put under the city’s microscope from May 2001 to May 2002 after three “serious noise violations.”

Fraternity members should use their time wisely as they prepare to find a solution that will keep their house open after the new year.

While some people might argue that the city should lighten up on the fraternity and accept that students are sometimes unruly, Delta Chi has been given its chance.

The city already gave Delta Chi a year to fix a problem that seems to have not gone away. Now, the fraternity has another chance in November to prove its willingness to change.

Delta Chi members have time to redeem themselves before final decisions are made concerning their home, and they shouldn’t take the opportunity for granted.

If the city is willing to give the fraternity another chance, it would be nice if community leaders could help the members to create a good reconstructive plan.

City officials and students should work together to create a community both can live in peacefully. The planning commission has made that gesture and now it’s Delta Chi’s turn.

We hope the two sides can work it out.


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