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Americans should debate Iraq policy

This letter is in response to Shawn Dhar’s ideas in his letter to the editor “Those against war should move to Iraq” (SN 10/9) that Americans who are against expanding the war in Iraq should move there.

Thankfully, many Americans are refusing to submit to irrational scare tactics and thinly veiled threats such as these used to justify a war that will galvanize much of the world against the United States and make terrorist attacks against the USA more likely than ever before.

It is simply irresponsible and disgusting to suggest that Americans who dissent from the Administration on issues should move to or are a part of the “enemy.”

This inane logic quickly reveals its true purpose: to stifle internal dissent, and encourage blind, slobbering obedience to a president and administration that runs the country more and more like a personal fiefdom every day.

I think the Dead Kennedys said it best: “you want a banana republic that bad, Why don’t you go move to one?

Christopher W. Chase
Ph.D Fellow Program in American Studies


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